Sunday, August 19, 2007

Some stories

Instead of trying to remember everything that's happened in the last 2-plus weeks, here's a few stories:

I had been having a particularly hard time with this whole transition - I spent three or four days out of our first week here pretty much out of commission from sadness and anxiety. But I got to feeling much better last week. I talked to Bob (our Atlanta counselor) the other day and he helped lift my spirits a lot, and I've found a wonderful community center nearby with friendly people and treadmills to give myself some good strong exercise to get the endorphins pumpin'. I even forgot my iPod there the other day and when I rushed back 2 hours later in panic mode to try to retrieve it they had saved it at the desk for me. And we supposedly live in a bad neighborhood!

We visited a great old church last Sunday morning that reminds us a lot of our dear DHBC. They are a small congregation with an old, huge building (and locked front doors!), but they are doing much for this community. The similarities were both comforting and saddening at the same time. And we went and helped with their homeless ministry Monday night. We also attended our first neighborhood association meeting last week and we are very excited about participating in that and serving this neighborhood.

It's been HOT here in KC, as I know it has been pretty much everywhere else we have friends and family. We've had highs over100 most of the time. And we're still holding strong with no air conditioner! We've actually gotten remarkably used to it and now we're cold pretty much anytime we go anywhere else now. I went to a conversation about church planting with CBF MO on Friday and I wore jeans and layers because I knew I'd be cold at the restaurant, and sure enough I still was even with my layers! It hasn't been too bad here though - our apartment is basically ALL windows, which helps so much. Our bathroom is another story though. Every time I go in there I leave soaking wet and it's not because I take a shower all those times either!

We'd love to hear what's going on with any of you - just random stuff like this. Andrew & Jim both e-mailed me last week about anything that was on their minds or that they had been up to, and Trinity and I both really appreciated that. We'll talk to Y'ALL soon. (I didn't like to say that when I lived in the South, but now that we're here I've been saying it in honor of y'all down there!) We miss you. Love, Tim & Trinity