Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Garden Update

I know it has been a long time since we posted (sorry!) but after you see the pictures below, I think you will see why.

We actually have vegetables growing! Here is the garden as of yesterday. I am going to post more posts with pictures of each vegetable.

We have also been planting some fruit trees and bushes. We have planted 2 apple trees (red and yellow), 6 raspberry plants, and 16 strawberry plants all in the front yard. Here are some pictures of those:

Strawberries in the front of the house

This is what the strawberry plants looked like when we got them

This is what they look like now. They will get flowers on them later but we have to pinch them off so the nutrients go the roots and fruit instead of the flowers. We should get some strawberries this year but it will be much less than next year. I will be pleased with just 1 strawberry - okay maybe 3 so that Tim, Susie and I can get our own.

This one of the apple trees. I should have taken a picture before Tim pruned. It looked much larger the other day. It has to be pruned once each year - looks kinda sad now.

These are the raspberry plants - yum! The tall cane on the left is all that there was when we got them. The green is all new!

Tim used old tires to build our compost pile. To turn the pile, we simply move each layer.

Free Water! Tim also set up a rain barrel to catch the rainwater. Thanks to Cherith Brook for giving us the barrels. Now we just have to wait for it to rain...

This is the last bed that we hand tilled - now we get to pull all of the weeds and roots out of it.

We have lots more beds to till to get the warm season seeds in the ground. We plan to go all the way across the yard with beds. It is hard work but we are REALLY enjoying it!

Another picture of the beds. I'll post pictures of the vegetables soon!


Blog reader said...
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Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about doing some sort of rain collection rig-up, have to figure out where to find the barrels.

Hey, if you ever have intrest in a fig tree you're welcome to a few of the three hundred growing around my house!
